Friday, July 07, 2006

Pizza - anitca?

So, last night Ross made Pizza. Not just regular pizza , it was fancy pizza. He used to work at Pizza Antica in Satan Row in San Jose, so he was around all this alternative pizza. Which is cool, and his pizzas were very close to the kind there. But quite honestly, I liked these so much better for two reasons. The dough was much bigger, pizza anticas dough was like a ritz cracker, and two, there was more stuff on the top. Pizza antica kept it all thin so you could eat about 12 slices alone. With this? I had 4 and it was too much.

Wait I think I had 5.

He even made the dough, it was fun to watch.

We watched "auntie mame" last night. One of my favorite movies, it's old, and kinda long, but it's pretty funny. If I were that boy and my father had died I would be thrilled to go live with Mame. All the parties..

Why did the stock market crash in 1929? I don't really understand. I guess I don't truly understand stocks, I know you can buy and if it goes up you sell, but how do you get money while your money is IN stocks... I mean, you get like a dividend? This boils down to me wondering why Mame lost all her money. It's explained that she had a lot of stock in the Bank of U.S. But then, where did she get all her money for the spending, and the parties, and the gin?

Look it up.

I wrote two letters today! One out to brittany and the other to Equifax credit corp to resolve an expired collection so that my score will go up.

These are pictures of the pizzas. The top one is a white potato pizza with lemon zest sauce and mozzerella cheese, broccoli, onions, the works.

the bottom one has traditional sauce but added tomatoes, radicchio, peppers, etc.

damn good.. Posted by Picasa


At 11:50 AM, Blogger Jimma said...

jessa! can you like, be friends with people on this blogspot thingy?

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Jimma said...

satan row. lol! i just noticed that...


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