Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Boardwalk Tuesday

As with the tradition, weve been going to the boardwalk on tuesday nights for their cheap fun fest. Twas a very good time, we had a few drinks and went on the rides. I love that it's cheap, because on the weekend tourists can drop like 40 a head in that place, and I'm not sure rides are worth that.

Then, Me, Jen, and ross went to taco bell where we had pseudo mexican food with not enough sour cream in my opinion, and took turns drawing pictures on Ross' palm pilot to amuse eachother. Most were nasty pictures, and very, very amusing.

Then later, to thoroughly disgust them, I put the site "" on ross's computer screen, and waited for someone to notice. That site, is the most hilarious disgusting DISGUSTING gag me site i've seen in a long time. G-damn, don't go there.

All in all, one raunchy night! Posted by Picasa


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