Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Solvang and Santa Barbara

Just a few pictures from the Solvang and Santa Barbara trip for Ross's Birthday. It was pretty gloomy in Santa Barb most of the time, but Solvang was suprisingly warm. We spent more time there than we usually do, it's usually vice versa. But we found the Chumash Casino...casino's give me such a weird feeling...

We visited an old Chinese restaurant bar that we went to accidentally about a year ago, so it was neat to revisit. We did some hiking, which is that bottom picture, a house from about 1902, damaged from fire, weather, etc... The guy who built it apparently never lived in it.

But meant to.

You could see the whole Santa Ynez Valley from up there, it was so quiet.
We also drank a little bit, as in the other picture.
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