Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hi. So, it's been a while since I've posted here.

I'm not going to lie, it's going to be a while until I post again. If I ever do. I just had too many going on at once, but fear not, I've compressed a few different blogs into one, where I'll talk about my projects, my life, and other pointless crap. Probably a lot of recipes.

So why should I bounce all around the internet when I can cram it all into one place, welcome to 9 red:

If you're feeling expensive check out the shop too, that usually sells a lot of the stuff from the blog:

I guess that wraps this up, hm?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Befores and Afters

Here are some of the things i've been working on as of late. I have liked for many years to take old crap and re-do it, So here are a couple things that I did this week. These are part of the first few things I've been selling. The candle-lier is my favorite, and part of me doesn't want it to go :)
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What a jerk! I realized I never put up the pictures from that project. These are the finished pictures of that center, but only a few. I have the rest locked away somewhere. So that job is long gone, lol, but I learned a lot from it, and learned that it is something I would like to do. It told me that interior design is something I'd like to shoot for first. As I'm also interested in landscape design and of course, architecture. So, for now, i'm working as le nanny while I make shirts and re-do furniture. I've already started selling the furniture, which I'll post up. It's been really good money so far, the hardest part is getting the furniture in the first place. I may have to make some deals with some local hauling groups to let me dig around in their trucks before they take it away. i'll post up pics as soon as i'm done with this post. So, i had to think up a name real quick that summed up what I was doing, so i could hallmark the items. I came up with "re-creative" which is good for now. I might change it someday. Ideas?
I'm also trying to think up a name for the shirts. It's been less than three, then tricycle, but I feel like people will hear tricycle and think of kids. meh. I want it to be something off the wall and memorable, like a made up word, or an animal.
lil help?
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wood Paneling

My job for the week is to make one of the centers at the Y look really good. We've always done the best we could, the southwest crowd, the black sheep of the association, always too loud at trainings and too broke for new shit. Never had permission to paint in all my years there, and nw we finally get to. So, this is cool for me, I like it. I enjoy working on my own cause of hours and not having to have a lot of talks with people I don't know, but I miss the companionship of when I worked at Lietz. That's cause the four of us were together every day for at least 3 years.. ack.

So the picture above is one coat of primer on old school wood paneling.

I can't believe it's July. I don't know what I'm going to do in September, I'm sure I'll find something. Maybe something here in Santa Cruz. I want to find a way to make this painting job into something independent I can do here, and charge the going rate.

We had chinese food tonight again, can't seem to stop.. ...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wisom Teeth

So I got my wisdom teeth out Friday. It didn't hurt, just the needles to numb me up did. Otherwise, it was just a strange encounter. I mean, they were drilling and chisling and BREAKING my teeth out of my jaw. I'm really sore now, but it's for the best.

I was disappointed to learn that I wouldn't be put out. I had always looked forward to the day that I would be knocked out for an operation, because I had been led to believe that it would be some grand hallucination... though I've heard that when you are knocked out it feels as if you closed your eyes for one second, even though it had been hours. That's nitris for you. So, I was numb, but I often thought of this scene from the simpsons. I would have loved to have some grand trip like that... but I'm much too "chicken" for acid. Too bad I didn't grow up in the sixties when people were doing it before knowing it could be dangerous..... too late! darn.

Haha. Enjoy the video!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Who knew that Albertson's was carrying a two dollar sandwich? Well, two fifty, with that Albertsons card I don't have but pretend I do so they'll swipe theirs... down from 2.59. Not to sound like an ad, but, when in a pinch... that's a quick fix. Didn't have enough vegetables really, but with the money saved from the common 5-6 dollar sandwhiches you can go to the produce aisle and stock up.

Anyway, small predicament at work. A moral predicament. No, no... no kids are in weird situations or anything important like that, it's a matter of landfill. Boss wants me to get rid of shit that looks kind of old. Now, originally I was against this. Not only for the financial reasons, but for reasons of WASTE. She raises a good point with the couches, they look like shit, but I wasn't gonna get rid of them without a replacement.

She agreed to replace... kind of... with other seating. fine.

But cabinets that are missing a little trim but still functional? Shelves that are just a little scratched up? Sure it's not my money... but if I can just show her that a little work and creativity saved not only money but years upon years of that crap being piled up somewhere, I've done my job.

I'm going to do the extra work, and re-do those ugly shelves to prove a point. Everyone sends so much to the dump, and it doesn't go away, it just piles up until we have nothing to do with it other than pile dirt on it, build houses on top of it, sell them as hills, and years later when the plants are dying and the quake hits that liquifies that garbage we'll have to face it. Not to mention the pollution... I mean, that's my point in the first place.

Bottom line, I hate to even see huge couches go that route, but I had to meet her in the middle. The other shit just needs a face lift.

Here is a great video of a house made entirely out of salvaged crap. Clicky Clicky....
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Monday, May 14, 2007

Last Night

After a good mothers day bbq at my mom's, Ross and I drove down to a secluded beach for a bonfire. Coincidentally, the "red tide" I think it's called, was in... and the waves were all lighting up a light green and so was the sand when you walk on it. Apparently when this algae, or plankton, is agitated, it glows! It was very pretty, and twas the first time I'd ever seen that.

I've heard of it. Oh yes.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Shirt Making Saturday

Today I made this shirt. Actually, I started yesterday with the bleaching of the fern there... and then added the cat today. This is a gift for Kim, that Brittany bought and I painted on. There is a star on the back :)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Just last October

Just last October, I think it was before the elections or something, I don't remember... gas was this "low". I remember seeing it thinking "Wow that's so cheap!" because the norm had been for gas to be about 2.25 or so. Which was outrageous. I remember thinking " I shouldn't be HAPPY about gas being 1.98, when not too long before this 1.98 was an unheard of gas price" Well not too far past October, we sit here at almost 3.50 a gallon.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

This is my fish tank, all cleaned up. Recently the plants got out of control and there wasn't a lot of free space. I like the plants to get really bushy for the fish to hide in, but this was just ridiculous. So I trimmed, and cleaned, without taking out too much of their ecosystem, and here it is. Looks pretty good. In the small tank we got 4 puffers and an angel fish, pics of those to come later. I'm waiting for those plants to grow too, because the puffers like that. Wasn't this the most interesting post you've ever read?
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